Hidden in the plain sight of a Midwestern college town, the Vietnamese War refugee Yen Hoang has served at the University of Notre Dame’s Campus Dining team for over 16 years. She has learned to call America home for over 40 years. Yet the one thing Yen cannot get used to is American food.
A devoted chef, Yen keeps bringing Asian students a taste of home not only with her dining hall stir-fries but also homemade Vietnamese soups and buns. Nothing - whether it is the painful memories on the boat or the hardship of American Dream - can thwart her courageous love for others.
Boston, MA
Boston Asian American Film Festival - October 24, 2019
New York, NY
YoFiFest, The Yonkers Film Festival - November 1, 2019
Queens World Film Festival - March 19, 2020 | Nominated Best Director
ArtHouse 21B - January 2022
Bloomington, IN
Hoosier Films Annual Festival - September 3, 2020
Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival - November 5, 2020
Midwest Film Journal - Indianapolis: September 2, 2022